Research Disclaimer

We, the Research Analyst, author of this report, associated with the Goldmine Stocks Pvt Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Goldmine”), hereby certify that all of the views expressed in this report accurately reflect our views about the subject / Counter, which is based on publicly available data and information. But we do not guarantee that such information is accurate or completeand any opinions expressed in this report are subject to change without Prior notice.

This Document/Report/Recommendations is published in the capacity of Research Analyst by Goldmine Stocks Pvt. Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Goldmine”) having SEBI Reg. no: INH000005625 for private circulation and only for information Purpose and Goldmine do not solicit any trading or Investment advice via this document. The securities and strategies discussed and opinions expressed, if any, in this report may not be suitable for all investors, who must make their own investment decisions, based on their own investment objectives, financial positions and needs of specific recipients.

Goldmine is a Full Broking services provider in financial market and SEBI Registered Stock Broker with National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX).It is also having registration as a Depository Participant with NSDL & CDSL.(SEBI Reg. no: INZ000182938)

Goldmine or its associate/relatives or Research Analysts or his/her associates or relatives has any financials interest in the subject companies: No

Goldmine or its associate/relatives or Research Analysts or his/her associates or relatives have actual/beneficial ownership of 1% or more securities of the subject company at the end of the month immediately preceding the date of publication of the research report or the public appearance: No

Goldmine or its associate/relatives or Research Analysts or his/her associates or relatives have any other material conflict of interest at the time of publication of the research report or at the time of public appearance: No

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It is confirmed that the subject company is or was not a client during twelve months preceding the date of distribution of the research report. It is also confirmed that Goldmine and or Research Analysts has not been engaged in market making activity for the subject company and the Research Analysts has not serve or is not serving as an officer, director or employee or advisory board member of the subject companies. The subject company is or was not a client during twelve months preceding the date of distribution of the research report.

“Goldmine and its Associates, Directors, Research Analyst may have some other interests or holdings like ‘Long or short positions’ in securities recommended in this report as its ordinary course of business as a distinct and independent body.” Apart from this, Goldmine or its associates or Research Analyst or his/her relatives do not have any other conflict or material conflict of interest at the time of publication of the research report with the company covered by Analysts. Goldmine may have issued other reports that are inconsistent or contrary to views issued in this report. (Here associates means M/s Goldmine Commodities Pvt Ltd & M/s Goldmine Vyapar Pvt Ltd is associate company of M/s Goldmine Stocks Pvt Ltd.)

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There were no instances of non-compliance by Goldmine on any matter related to capital markets, in significant & material disciplinary action during the last three years.Analyst Certification: The analyst for this report certifies that all the views expressed in this report accurately reflects his/her personal views about the subject company or companies and its or their securities, and no part of his or her compensation was, is or will be directly or indirectly related to specific recommendations or views expressed in this report.

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Goldmine Stocks Pvt Ltd
Research Analyst SEBI Registration No: INH000005625 | BSE Enlistment No: 5273

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