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  • SEBI may change the categorisation of large cap stocks from 1-100 to 1-125. Also mid cap categorisation may be extended from 101-250 to 126-275. So, that will add a few companies both to large and mid-cap category. Good move.
  • India faces environmental and safety concerns as around 8.8 lakh million tonnes of waste tyres, mainly from developed countries, are dumped, burnt, or retreated for resale in the aftermarket.
  • HDFC Bank group has received RBI approval to acquire about 9.5% holding of the paid up share capital or voting rights in six banks. These banks include Axis Bank, Survoday Small Finance Bank, ICICI Bank, Bandhan Bank, Yes Bank and Indusind Bank. RBIs approval valid for one year till Feb 4, 2025. It might buy holdings in all or some of these banks. May be their way of inorganic expansion and growth.
  • Qatar is pushing to sell more LNG to India, where imports of the super chilled fuel are expected to double by the end of the decade. High level talks with GAIL and IOC will be done at Goa meet.
  • Government eyes deal with EU countries that could draw about $10 billion investment.
  • EPFO mulls reinvesting 50% of ETF redemption proceeds in equity markets.
  • Merchandise exports set to moderate to $435 billion in FY24.
  • US trade deficit widens slightly in December.
  • RBI has kept the interest rates status quo as the inflation target yet to be achieved.

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