CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility
Mr. Kirit Vassa, one of the promoters of Goldmine Group of Companies, is also a founder trustee of Saurashtra Medical & Educational Charitable Trust. Various humanitarian activities are carried out under the name of Project “Life”. It includes
School Development Project
To secure and promote children’s right to education (RTE), Project ‘Life’ initiated Life Education Centre, in the year 2000 benefiting 21000 students till date. It serves children in interior rural Gujarat enabling them to avail primary education in healthy and hygienic environment. The activities include Infrastructure Development with State-of-the-art earthquake resistant school buildings in interior villages for the government run primary schools. The Centre promotes holistic development of children and motivates students for higher studies through different projects like, scholarships and grants to underprivileged children, organizing Talent Hunt Programme, Yoga, providing hygiene and education kits to students and also strengthening through teacher’s training programme. We have set up an ambitious target of developing infrastructure of 108 schools with an average of one school every alternate month.
After earthquake in Gujarat in 2000, the trustees decided to support the victim rural areas. The only way out to uplift the victim families is to educate the children who will be able to make strong base for their families and society at large.
It was decided to construct 108 school building and handover the infrastructure to the government who will run primary schools. 80 schools are already built and handed over to government till end of 2018.
Goldmine Parivar has donated one Primary health centre and 3 schools.
1. Kumari Hina Vora Public Health Centre, Jamnagar
2. Kusumben Pravinchandra Vora Primary School, Morthalla
3. Shantaben Tulsidas Vassa Primary School, Jamnagar
4. Kumari Hina Pravinchandra Vora Primary School, Ahmedabad
Blood Bank
State of the art blood bank is being run which is accredited by NABH. Majority of the Saurashtra Region in Gujarat is being served through the generous blood donation of the donors.
Life Blood Centre was established out of compassion. Today, that compassion, coupled with advanced technology, is saving thousands of lives in Saurashtra every year.
Life Blood Centre was conceived when the two founder-brothers, Mr. Shashikant Koticha and Mr. Chandrakant Koticha, saw a young man almost die due to lack of quality blood transfusion.
Agitated and saddened, they decided to establish an organization that would put an end to such avoidable risks. Saurashtra got its first blood bank on 6th December 1981 when Life Blood Centre (Formerly known as Rajkot Voluntary Blood Bank & Research Centre) was established.
Currently, we are one of the largest and one of the most technologically advanced blood centres of Gujarat state.
We are an NABH accredited, ISO 9001:2008 certified blood centre.
At Life Blood Centre we are driven by a single idea: no lives should be lost for want of blood. Whatever it takes, we give.
The technologically advanced Life Blood Centre operates from a four-level ultra-modern building, having working area of 15,000 sq. ft.
Greenfield Project
To enhance the green cover of mother earth, Life Greenfield Centre initiated a tree plantation drive with a thought of ‘Plant a tree, Gift a life’. Since 1990 Life Greenfield Centre encourages people to plant trees with provision of pollution free healthy and greener planet to live in. The LGC has about 63 indigenous varieties of trees and plants which are raised and nurtured to about 6-8 feet height till they are self-sustaining. These plants are then distributed for re-plantation with proven record of high survival rate after re-plantation. Trees provide clean air by absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutant gases. In return, trees produce oxygen which is released into the atmosphere. It also controls temperature and prevent soil erosion and water pollution that helps in maintaining and balancing ecosystem. That means areas with more trees are more likely to maintain cool and pleasant surroundings for the healthy living.
We ensure availability of healthy trees to corporate, hospitals, institutions, municipalities and communities and thereby enriching lives through tree plantation.
The level of development of a society can often be measured by the health of people living in the society. A healthy society not the one that is only free from diseases, but also from depression, vices and crimes. Project ‘Life’ started the Life Health and Wellness Centre (LHWC) in 2003 with the intention to build a healthy society by providing yoga training with traditional wisdom supported by modern need-based scientific approach. Through LHWC, Project ‘Life’ promotes holistic development by its specially designed yoga modules from yoga experts for different sections of society including senior citizens, patients, women, students, children and Yoga enthusiasts. Since inception LHWC has served more than six lacs people including 6500 prisoners who have been benefited from 22 jails of Gujarat.